IBM SPSS Statistics Base

IBM SPSS Statistics Base

Statistics software for all your business needs

If you are looking for a statistics program that is capable of doing everything needed for your business or research, the base of the IBM SPSS statistics may be exactly what you need. It has standard prediction models and analysis methods.

This tool includes a wide range of features to easily access and manage large amounts of data. It can analyze your data and graphs and charts can display it very easily. All your analytics will be run from an interface using the dialog box which can not show any problems while dealing with any amount of information and variables.

Another convenient feature of the information editor IBM SPS status base. It includes a comprehensive menu of files, risk analysis, client identification, cost / benefit analysis, and trades analysis for better planning for your organization's strategy and future production processes.

IBM SPS statistical diameter is also able to detect fraud for reducing your risk and refers to customer-related features with your business brand.

The information you use with this tool is displayed with viewer graphs and charts that you can copy and paste into other programs, or export in PDF or DOS format for printing or saving for future use.


14-day trial.

More Information

License Version Developer
Trial 22.0 IBM


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IBM SPSS Statistics Base
IBM SPSS Statistics Base
Statistics software for all your business needs
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